Rome, March 25th 2023
Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
“Abide in my love!” (Jn 15,9b)
The Benedictine Sister of Divine Providence, disciple and witness of Christ,
lives the joy of fraternity in the prophetic service of life.
Evangelization – Interculturality – Institution
Dear Sisters,
The appeal that Jesus addressed to his Apostles and addresses today to each one of us is fundamental: Abide in my love! There is no escaping from here. The Evangelist St John, the beloved apostle, tells us, directly, that only united to him can we bear fruit and enjoy full and true joy; only with Him will we be able to be faithful to the commandments and love one another; only by remaining in his love will we be able to listen to what the Father himself confided to Jesus. Abide in my love! And we will have the strength to endure deception and persecution without losing heart (cfr. Jn 15)
With a heart full of gratitude that we can all enjoy the privilege of remaining in his love, certain that even on this occasion the grace of God will not abandon us, aware of the great responsibility entrusted to each of us, as Superior General pro-tempore of the Benedictine Sisters of Divine Providence, I ANNOUNCE the
which will take place in Nova Veneza (Santa Catarina – Brazil), from 20th July to 05th August 2024 and whose theme is mentioned in the beginning of this circular.
In the meeting with the Major Superiors held in Rome from 12th to 21st March of this year, the dates of the Provincial Chapters were defined, during which the Delegates to the General Chapter will also be elected, with a percentage of out of all the Sisters of active voice of the Province (Dir. Gen. Art. 267; Acts of the XXV General Chapter Deliberation n. 1).
The Provincial Chapters will take place according to the following schedule:
The Sequence to the Holy Spirit: «Come, Holy Spirit» is the prayer that we will recite every day, possibly in Community, until the conclusion of the General Chapter.
The logo will be sent as soon as it is ready.
In addition to the election of the new Superior General and the four Councillors, the tasks of the General Chapter are numerous, as our Constitutions remind us in Article 154. We will try to carry it out with great commitment and due preparation. The commissions in charge will prepare some texts that will be submitted to the attention and study of the Chapter Sisters. Let us all commit ourselves from now on to accompanying all the work with prayer made with so much faith and trust in Divine Providence, so that the Holy Spirit may truly be the true protagonist of these ecclesial events.
Under the watchful and maternal gaze of Mary Most Holy and the prayerful affection of our Venerable Foundresses Maria and Giustina Schiapparoli, we will live moments of mutual listening and reflection, accompanied by prayer and fraternity, to understand what paths the Lord is showing us.
Dear Sisters, on behalf also of the General Government, the Provincial Superiors, the Superior Delegate and their respective Governments, I wish you a good journey, united in prayer and work.
Mother Lina Maria Girotto
Superior General
Sister Maria das Dores Paz
Secretary General