We, the Benedictine Sisters of Divine Providence, gathered in the XXVI General Chapter, as an intercultural religious family that welcomes into its bosom members from different continents, with their different cultures, races, languages and countries, greet you with the peace of Christ Our Lord, “the center of our Consecration, chosen out of love” (Cos. Art. 14).
The General Chapter is the principal sign of unity, the fraternal encounter in which we hear God’s call, the provident Father, to do his will and to serve in better way our brothers and sisters.
To open the ears of the heart and welcome God’s plans, the General Chapter was preceded by a day of Spiritual Retreat, led by the Auxiliary Bishop of Porto Alegre, Msgr. Juarez Albino Destro, nephew of our Sister Julieta Cesconetto, who marked the history with her joyful witness.
At the opening of the XXVI General Chapter, the memory of 175 years of history was celebrated. With the festive Mass presided over by the Bishop of the Diocese of Criciúma, Msgr. Jacinto Inácio Flach, and concelebrated by Bishop Msgr. Juarez Albino Destro, and by the Parish Priest of Nova Veneza, Father Gilson da Silva Pereira, we expressed our gratitude to God for the fidelity of our foundresses, Giustina and Maria Schiapparoli, who have bequeathed to us the prophetic charism of trusting abandonment to Divine Providence that is expressed in the care of life where it is threatened. In his homily, Msgr. Jacinto praised the presence of the Sisters in his Diocese and the relevance of the Charism. An important moment was the enthronement in the chapter house of a sacramental (a reliquary containing the bone of the Venerable Servant of God Maria Schiapparoli). Incensing the hall and each capitular, Msgr. Jacinto emphasized that our foundresses will accompany all the acts of the XXVI General Chapter with their blessing and intercession.
With his Apostolic Blessing, on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the Congregation, Pope Francis was present encouraging each sister to:
Deepening the motto of the Chapter “Abide in my love” (Jn 15:9b) through daily prayerful reading, in the form of conversation in the Spirit, we felt the power of the Word that challenges us to strengthen listening, sharing, unity in diversity, belonging, fraternity, acceptance of fraternal correction, the fertility of the Charism.
Our presence in 15 countries (Italy, Brazil, Romania, Albania, Paraguay, Bolivia, India, Mexico, Kenya, Guinea Bissau, Malawi, Mozambique, Argentina, Tanzania and Sri Lanka), guides and encourages us to overcome many challenges: interculturality, unity in diversity, creative fidelity to our Charism and sharing with the laity people.
The theme of the Chapter was addressed in a compromising and prophetic way, both by the Chapter Commissions and by the consultor, Father Alfredo Gonçalves (Scalabrianian) who accompanied us with his homilies and conferences for three days.
According to him, our Charism has always been timely and relevant, emphasizing that to be faithful it is necessary to be prophetic communities, capable of listening to people’s suffering and giving an answer, as our foundresses did in their time, being attentive, bold, courageous, prophets.
Regarding Spirituality and discipleship, he said that the Consecrated Religious Life must have its eyes fixed on Jesus, attentive to the School of Nazareth, a school of silence and listening to look at everything with the eyes of God.
Reflecting on the Practice and Pedagogy of Jesus, and starting from the episode of the disciples of Emmaus, (Lk 24:13-35), Father Alfredo used an allegory referring to the places where Jesus passed:
The world moves fast. And with it emerges the problem of refugees, migrants, border conflicts and the notable presence of Pope Francis as the greatest defender of migrants. Interculturality takes place in the community: weeping with those who weep, rejoicing with those who rejoice. We must move from the globalization of indifference to a dialogue culture.
Regarding the theme of the Institution-Prophecy, we remember that the prophet is the one who denounces counter-values, infidelity to God and announces the Kingdom. In this sense, to be prophetic, the Consecrated Religious Life must listen to the cries of the people, know their suffering, and seek an answer together.
Aided by these reflections, we have outlined the objectives for the next six years, with Deliberations, Proposals, Exhortations and the elaboration of Projects that will help us in our spiritual, fraternal and mission life.
In addition to the Chapter sessions, we have experienced many important events in these days:
We are immensely grateful to God because, despite the challenges encountered in these long years of existence, the action of Divine Providence has opened paths, broadened horizons.
In summary: Gathered in this XXVI GENERAL CHAPTER, we commit ourselves to strengthening: the centrality of Christ, fraternity in Interculturality, integral formation, unity in diversity, which will foster fidelity to our roots; we encourage the role of lay people and collaborators in sharing the Charism, in the revival of vocational culture and consequently in the emergence of new vocations. All this is the most effective expression of our identity as a Benedictine Sister of Divine Providence.
The presence of Mary, our Mother and Councilor, guided and inspired us at every moment. May we continue to serve with love and dedication, bringing the gospel to every corner of the world. United with the vine, we remain steadfast in our mission to welcome, assist and educate, transform lives and spread God’s grace.
Nova Veneza – Santa Catarina, August 5, 2024