With a beautiful celebration that referred to Sri Lankan culture, with the Arathi rite, we were motivated to praise God early this morning. The liturgy team prepared a presentation: an entrance with flowers, candles and incense, and gestures that, together, became a solemn moment of spirituality.
Continuing with this moment, we pray in communion with the people of God the Lauds Prayer, followed by the Holy Mass, presided over by Father Giliard Gava, parish priest of the Parish of Urussanga, and concelebrated by Father Fernando, vicar. The Father recalled previous liturgies, in which aspects such as: the flock of authority, seeing new wonders, our God loves with mercy, the importance of raising up new shepherds were highlighted. The priest invited us to let God’s will be done by the Holy Spirit, to care for the flock entrusted to us, to direct the future and to love God above all things and our neighbours as Jesus loved according to our Charism because the society thirsts for people who speak about God, about the will of the Father.
To begin the afternoon’s work, the liturgy team helped us pray in a spirit of enculturation, praying with our voice and body movement through a circular dance, accompanied by the mantra: “God is in me; my life is full of love”.
We began the chapter work with the reading of yesterday’s minutes, written by the secretary, Sister Luciane Francisco, which after minor corrections was approved unanimously.
Then we went on to verify the proposals of the XXV General Chapter on some articles of the Constitutions, which were analysed with great attention.
After the coffee break, Sr. Gema Cojocariu, general bursar, presented the Economic and Patrimonial Report of the Congregation. This presentation lasted until the afternoon, we highlight that the presentation was made with great clarity and competence.
At the end of the bursar’s presentation, Sr. Maria José Barbosa dos Santos organized a moment of thanksgiving to the General Government. The members of the chapter joined singing the song “Uma Grande Missão” and, later, gifts of recognition were given to them.
Then, we choose the three Sisters who will analyse the economic prospects, being elected: Sr. Angela Andries, Sr. Denise Mezacasa and Sr. Elizabeth Noemí Cuenca Giménez.
Nova Veneza / Brazil, July 23rd, 2024.
Communication Team