We begin the day in the presence of the Lord. Motivated by Sister Eliene da Conceição Lima, we pray Lauds, remembering the month dedicated to vocations here in Brazil and asking for those called, so that they have hearts available to serve the Kingdom. Then, the Mass began, presided by Father André Daló, who we proudly present as a former student of the Benedictine Sisters of Divine Providence.
The priest, in his reflection on today’s liturgy, presented two important figures: the potter and the fisherman. We are potters and fishermen, but also clay and fish.
The prophet Jeremiah presents us with the figure of clay. Clay has impurities that must be removed so that, when placed in the fire, the damage is not irreversible and the vessel does not fall apart. So in the some way: we must allow ourselves to be purified to present ourselves before the Lord.
We are not ready-made vessels. We often need to return to the state of clay to become more beautiful and perfect for the Lord.
The second figure is that of the Gospel. Heaven is communion, where sin cannot enter. We must purify our hearts, and therefore we are compared to fish, which must be separated and purified.
There are many good fish and many bad fish, so discernment is important to separate what is good from what is bad. We must value things from the past, but also have the courage to take new steps.
Let us trust in the Lord, in the Divine Providence, and let us be guided by the Holy Spirit, so that we can do God’s will, as we move towards the end of this Chapter.
In the Chapter Room, we began the work by sharing the “Conversation in the Spirit”. We then we heard yesterday’s minutes, that is, the Minutes of the Election of the General Superior and the Minutes of the day, which were approved.
Afterward, each Commission had separate meetings to prepare the projects according to the theme that was worked on and which, at an opportune moment, will be voted on to define how we will live in this six-year period.
In the afternoon, we met in the Chapter Room to listen and debate the projects, make suggestions and improve the proposals according to our reality. After several considerations, a team made up of five chapter members was formed to gather all the suggestions and prepare the projects, which will be re-presented to the Chapter Members for subsequent approval.
We concluded the day’s work by listening to the guidelines for the election of the four General Councillors, in accordance with the Articles of the Constitutions and the General Report relating to this matter. After clarifying all doubts, we retired for dinner.
Nova Veneza / Brazil, 01st August 2024
Communication Team