Sister Janaína began the Prayer of Lauds, inviting us to trust in the Providence, just like our Foundresses Mother Maria and Mother Giustina Schiapparoli, on this opening day of the XXVI General Chapter.
We celebrate the Lord’s Day with great solemnity in St. Mark Parish. With this Holy Mass, the XXVI General Chapter was officially opened. The Mass was presided over by the Bishop of the Diocese of Criciúma, Rt. Rev. Jacinto Inácio Flach, and concelebrated by the Auxiliary Bishop of Porto Alegre, Rt. Rev. Juarez Albino Destro, and by the Parish Priest Gilson da Silva Pereira. The Bishop Jacinto was very paternal in his homily and invited the faithful to remain in prayer until August 5th for the success of the Chapter. For those who want to follow the Holy Eucharist, we share the broadcast link here:
After Mass, we left in procession from the Parish to the Chapter Room, accompanied by the people of God, the Bishops and other concelebrants. As at the beginning of the Mass, some chapter sisters carried seven candles and the inscription of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, in addition to the relic of Mother Maria. It was a solemn and emotional procession.
Then, the Bishop gave the blessing to the Chapter members and asked the people to also extend their hands, invoking the blessing upon us. After the blessing, we were sprinkled with holy water while the Bishop Juarez incensed us, and thus, with all these solemn rites, we felt well prepared for the work to come.
In the early afternoon, we invoked the lights of the Divine Holy Spirit and highlighted the virtues of the Good Shepherd present in our Foundresses, as motivation to continue the work.
The Mother General, Lina Maria Girotto, read the Chapter Opening Decree, the text of which highlights the following: “We were summoned by the Lord himself who tells us: “Remain in my love!” (John 15, 9b). Through the celebration of this Chapter and the decisions that will be taken therein, from the sharing of prayer, intuitions, experiences, ideas, projects, everything that emerged in the months of preparation that preceded this chapter event that we will now experience, we hope May our Charisma continue to generate life for the Church and for humanity.”
Then, the General Mother read Pope Francis’ Message, which we transcribed in full, but the translation is ours:
To the Reverend Sister Lina Maria Girotto, Superior of the Benedictine Sisters of Divine Providence Institute.
On the occasion of the XXVI General Chapter which has as its theme The Benedictine Sister of Divine Providence, disciple and witness of Christ, lives the joy of fraternity in the prophetic service of life: Evangelization – Interculturality – Institution, I wish to join you spiritually in the important event of communion and grace. I hope that it revives in each person resolutions of renewed fidelity to the Lord and of joyful acceptance of his will.
“Has not God chosen the poor in the sight of the world, who are rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdom promised to those who love him?” (James 2, 5) the words of the Apostle James inspire your adherence to Christ by giving impulse towards the mission that the Church has called you to carry out for the good of humanity, in particular to be close to children, the sick, the elderly, to educate the new generations.
Therefore, rediscover the beauty of being caring mothers, who instil tenderness, who are close to those who are marked by every human suffering, to be caressed by a compassionate God who wipes away the tears of his children.
The history of your religious family has taught you to always trust in Divine Providence; it is a peculiar charism which even today invites you to continue with confidence the path begun by the Venerable Foundresses; this interior attitude, which arises from confident prayer, requires in the events of life to know how to abandon oneself to God, who works in a surprising way. Commit yourselves, therefore, to continue to spread this beautiful spirituality, which draws strength from standing in silence and humility before Jesus the Eucharist, source of hope and consolation. I urge you not to lose the enthusiasm of following the Master, and become new wine in new wineskins to remain open to the surprises of the Spirit and thus generate the newness of the Gospel.
Finally, I encourage you to give impetus to the apostolate of the Institute so that you can be joyful Consecrated Women, willing to live without any hesitation the mystery of love, which flows from his pierced heart, with those who the Lord places on your path.
While I assure you of prayerful remembrance, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary and Saint Benedict of Nursia, I willingly send my paternal Blessing, asking you, please, to continue to pray for me.
Rome, from San Giovanni in Laterano, 7 June 2024
Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
After, we proceed with the approval of the timetable and calendar. In the afternoon, the Regulations of the XXVI General Chapter were read and approved.
Following our work, we chose the Chapter scrutineers, resulting in Sisters Eliene da Conceição Lima, Brazilian, and Angela Andries, Romanian, being elected. We also chose the Chapter Moderator, resulting in the election of Sr. Bárbara Cristina Ferreira Britto. As secretary, Sr. Luciane Francisco was elected, and as vice-secretary, Sr. Maria das Dores Paz.
After a brief snack, we chose the President of the Chapter, being elected Sr. Maria José Barbosa dos Santos, who will preside on the day of the election of the Mother General. With this, we have completed the elections scheduled for the starting of work.
Later, Prayer Groups were formed, which will meet every day to read the Word prayerfully, that is, a synodal prayer that was used in the Synod of Bishops on Synodality and is also being used in meetings at various levels ecclesiastical. The groups were formed by choosing colours, which had the following words written: Respect, Mercy, Hope, Abandonment and Offering.
Nova Veneza / Brazil, July 21st, 2024
Communication Team