This Sunday, the Lord’s Day, the penultimate day of our XXVI General Chapter, was very special because we celebrated with joy the 175th anniversary of the foundation of our beloved Congregation!
Early in the morning, we left for the Sanctuary of the Sacred Merciful Heart of Jesus, in Içara, where, with great solemnity, the Holy Mass was presided over by Bishop Onésimo Alberton, Auxiliary Bishop of Florianópolis, together with the Rector of the Sanctuary, Father Antônio Vander, and other priest friends.
The frames of our beloved foundresses, Maria and Giustina Schiapparoli, were introduced with great dignity, accompanied by the Sisters and members of the Benedictine Spiritual Family. Then, the flags of the countries where the Benedictine Sisters of Divine Providence are present were enthroned, as well as the flag of the Congregation. These, were very emotional moments that remain in our memories and in our hearts, encouraging us to continue making history in the footsteps of Mary and Giustina.
During his homily, Bishop Onésimo told us that the 175 years of the Congregation are a providence of God, a gift from God in this month of vocations. Recalling the days of our Chapter; which is ending, and our motto “Abide in my love”. The Bishop reminded us that, by abiding in the love of Christ, united to the vine, like women of the dawn living the Eucharist and scrutinizing our roots, we will be able to build our history, like the new wine made by Jesus for all humanity.
We all felt very loved and grateful for this beautiful celebration prepared by Father Antônio and his team of lay volunteers from the Sanctuary, who, in addition to everything, offered us a delicious lunch! May the Providence Father reward them all immensely!
In the afternoon, back in Nova Veneza, we had another beautiful celebration, this time the inauguration of the “Delle Benedittini” Museum, attended by civil authorities, the Sisters’ families and other friends.
Mother Narcisa Maria Pasetto, in her welcoming speech, said: “Today, by inaugurating this museum, we are recognizing and valuing the beautiful history of the Benedictine Sisters of Divine Providence, which began here in Nova Veneza, Brazil. And it was from Nova Veneza that this history expanded to the world.”
At the inauguration ceremony, we were joined by the São Bento School Choir, which offered us several musical interpretations in English, Italian and Portuguese. The Italian-Brazilian dance group also participated in the cultural evening, which delighted us with its joyful dances.
Nova Veneza / Brazil, August 4th, 2024
Communications Team