Motivated by the liturgy team, this Saturday we celebrated the memory of Our Lady on Saturday. Mary, our mother and counsellor, has accompanied us throughout these days of Chapter, interceding for us and for all those who seek her with confidence. Following the prayer of Lauds, we began the Holy Mass, today presided over by Father Antônio da Silva Miguel Júnior and concelebrated by Father Valmor Della Giustina.
During the celebration, Father Antônio spoke to us about the martyrdom and persecution suffered by Jeremiah and John the Baptist for telling the truth. He told us that this is what we are called to live: the truth, even if it costs us our lives. The martyrdom of coherence with what we believe, with the call of the Lord.
In the Gospel, Herod liked to listen to what John the Baptist said, but not to the point of going against the request to attempt on his life.
We live in a time that loves spectacles and empty people. Let us be careful that the spectacles do not bind us to anything or anyone. Let us not allow ourselves to be moved by spectacles. Only the Lord should seduce us.
We must all lead those who approach us to Christ. He must be our love, and we must say our “yes” to Him.
We are often called to have the power to serve. May our power always be to serve more and more abundantly, to serve to love more, to give more of our lives.
We must be prophets of our time, with actions rather than words. Let us use everything we are so that the Gospel may be proclaimed to everyone.
Before the afternoon session began, Sister Teresa Medves led the prayer. With great harmony, we prayed the Hail Mary in different languages; we sang and prayed for all those who are united with us in prayer.
After sharing the prayer made in the Conversations in the Spirit groups, we listened to yesterday’s Minutes: Minutes of the Election and Minutes of the Day. The reading was done by Sister Maria das Dores Paz and Sister Luciane Francisco, respectively; after minor changes, the Minutes were approved unanimously.
With the Project and the deliberations, proposals and exhortations in hand, we went to work in the committees, to analyse the drafts and clarify some doubts. In the afternoon, we met in the chapter room to present the modifications and the final draft.
Nova Veneza, Brazil, August 3, 2024.
Communications Team