Finally, the expected day arrived for the beginning of the XXVI GENERAL CHAPTER, which opened with a retreat preached by the Auxiliary Bishop of Porto Alegre, Dom Juarez Albino Destro. Thus, we all had the possibility of being intimate with Jesus, who is the main trunk of the vine.
The day began with the Prayer of Lauds, led by Sister Elizabeth Noemi Cuenca Giménez, who invited us to pray for Mary’s discipleship, her availability to serve the Kingdom. The symbols of light and heart motivated us to open our hearts to welcome the word that God reserved for each one on this day.
The group met for the Mid Hour prayer, thanking God for the morning of personal encounter with Him.
We ended the Retreat day with the Holy Eucharist, which began in the Chapter Room, where prayer was shared. It was a rich moment of fraternity, where each Sister member of the Chapter remembered the Sisters who were a sign of Providence in their lives. We also present the symbol of our Retreat day.
After this moment, we went in procession to the Chapel taking the incense, the candles and the symbols that each one presented at the offertory.
Our main activity today was to be with the wine grower, Bishop Dom Juarez. In his first lecture, he spoke to us about “The love to which we are called”, highlighting abandonment to Providence and the virtue of Love, which is present in our Constitutions at least 18 times, according to Dom Juarez’s account.
After the first lecture, we went to pray the memory of our life and mission, expressed in every corner of the house, in the photographs, in the arrangements, etc.
In the afternoon, after a few brief words from Dom Juarez, we went for a personal prayerful reading, using chapter 15 of the Gospel of Saint John as the text. During our personal prayer, we were invited by the Bishop to reflect on the Discipleship of equals, the Mission of giving life and conflicts… We end this time of prayer by writing our prayer for the day.
After dinner, we met in the Chapter Room, where Mother Lina did the arrangements for tomorrow and, after clarifying all doubts, we retired to rest.
Nova Veneza / Brazil, July 20th, 2024
Communication Team