Renewing our faith in the Risen Christ, in whom we have placed our certainty and hope, we announce with emotion, but with gratitude, that on 6 April 2024, at 2 pm (local time), at the UNICAMP Hospital in Campinas (São Paulo) BRAZIL, the heavenly Groom has taken in his arms,
Province of Divine Providence
at the age of 71 and 48 years of Religious Profession
Sr. Maria Augusta was born in Campo do Meio (Mins Gerais) Brazil, on March 9, 1953.
Maria Augusta met the Benedictine Sisters of Divine Providence in Campos Gerais (Minas Gerais). After working for a year and a half with the nuns at the hospital in this city, she decided to consecrate herself to the Lord. She made the request to Sr. Afonsina Romão, then Delegate of the Superior General in Brazil.
She entered the Congregation on 10 February 1972 at the San Pio X Institute in Osasco (São Paulo). She was received by Sr. Fatima Brina, then local Superior. She was Mother General Sr. Carla Borasi.
She entered the novitiate in 1974, as she was the teacher, Sr. Eurosia Gritti.
Her First Profession on 25 January 1976 in the Chapel of the San Pio X Institute, in Osasco (São Paulo), in the hands of Sr. Clara Venturini, then Major Superior.
From the beginning of her consecration, her teacher Sr. Eurosia defined Sr. Maria Augusta as a person of a spirit of prayer and with a strong desire to give herself to God and her brothers.
In fact, in 1986 you wrote to the Provincial Superior, Sr. Analuisa Venturini.
“Vocation is a divine call that requires a generous response from the person in favor of the mission. I prayed, I reflected, I feel that the desire to have an experience in Africa persists within me. I am aware of the needs and for this reason I don’t want to get confused. I will be very happy if I have this chance to help the suffering and promote the most disadvantaged. […] maybe I am not the most suitable person, but if possible, and if the Congregation needs it, make me available.”
And it happened that in 1990 she was sent to the mission of Guinea Bissau, first as a nurse at the Tite hospital, then as a pastoral worker in Catió. When the Congregation expanded its tents for a new mission in Kenya, in 1996, she again made herself available. Before undertaking the new project, she attended the Missiology and English course in Rome. All very well prepared by the general government, and together with Sr. Carmelita da Silva, she began the work of evangelization and welcome in Kakamega.
They were years of intense donation and great challenges. The joy of experiencing the new, there was nothing to fear. She said:
We get used to it well. We find many girls who want to become a nun, but we understand that we need to proceed slowly and with caution… the only problem is the languages, but we try to do the translations.
She felt the friendship of the African people was strong and also faced the challenges of malaria with hope.
From evangelization to assistance to poor children, the missionary, Sr. Augusta, dedicated her life to caring for the health of body and spirit, leaving her mark in the hearts of many, especially the children welcomed and loved.
In 2008, returning to Brazil, she continued her mission in various communities: Campos Gerais (Minas Gerais), Manaus and Borba (Amazonas), Vinhedo (São Paulo), Contagem (Minas Gerais), Imperatriz (Maranhão) and, again in Africa in 2022, in Guiné Bissau.
Unfortunately, her health complications weakened her and in recent times, she was transferred to the UNICAMP of Campinas (São Paulo) Clinic, where on the afternoon of this April 6th at 2 pm, the Missionary Excellency, Jesus brought with him his missionary, Sr. Maria Augusta.
Gratitude to Sr. Maria Augusta for the good achieved in our Congregation, for her courage and also for her testimony at her father’s bed, where she herself said it was a time to let herself be shaped by the God of life.
Sr. Maria Augusta fought the good fight and fought until the end. Now, in God, in the octave of Easter, she lives forever with Him.Sr. Agenora Thomasi states:
Your trajectory is edifying! On behalf of the Congregation she offered her best to be faithful to her vocation in the service of the Missions abroad. Your dedication and courage are admirable! Even if the world does not offer you laurels, you will receive them in eternity.
Our eternal gratitude to this sister who is part of her, carrying the hope of the mission ad gentes in her heart. Even now she happily enjoys her encounter with Christ.
Each sister who leaves brings a little of us and leaves a lot of herself.
May she intercede for us together with the group of our dear sisters in Heaven.
Her funeral will be celebrated on this Sunday 07 April 2024, the Feast of Mercy, at 10.30 am (local) in the Chapel of the Residencial Divina Providência in Vinhedo (São Paulo) and the burial, at 2 pm in the Cemitério das Acácias de Valinhos (São Paulo).
In communion of prayer with all the Sisters of the Province of Divine Providence, with the brothers, nephew, friends, oblates and the African people we deliver our Sr. Maria Augusta into the arms of the Risen One.
“The vocation is a mystery that the person welcomes and lives, in the depths of her being.” (Pope John Paul)
(memory of her Perpetual Profession)
Sr. Maria das Dores Paz – General secretary