Sister Delfina Biscaro
Renewing our faith in the risen Christ, in whom we place our certainty and hope, we announce with emotion and gratitude that on 13 September 2023, at 5.30 pm (local time), in the infirmary of Casa Madre – Voghera – Pavia (ITALY), the Heavenly Groom welcomed into his arms,
Province Giustina and Maria Schiapparoli
at the age of 90 and 70 of Religious Profession
Sr. Delfina (Luigia Bruna) she was born in Bovolenta – Padova (ITALY), on 23 August 1933.
Luigia Bruna got to know our Congregation through our Sisters in the Church of Milan. When she made her request to the Superior General to enter the convent, she said:
“For some time I had felt within me a great desire to unite myself with Jesus, to consecrate myself entirely to Him, to love Him so much and to make Him loved. In recent years, seeing my sister, Sister Costanza and Sister Lina consecrate themselves to the Lord, I too felt pushed to give myself completely to Jesus. After a long wait with the help of the Lord I decided and here I am!”
The young woman, with enthusiasm to give herself to the Lord, entered the Congregation on 29 January 1952 in Voghera; she was received by the local Superior, Sister Cesarina Simonetti. At the time she was Superior General Mother Giovanna Zonca.
In the same year she entered the Novitiate on August 2, 1952 and received the name Sister Delfina. Her novitiate mistress was Sister Camilla Bassani.
Her Religious Profession took place on 3 August 1953, in the Chapel of the Mother House – Voghera – Pavia. We praise the Lord for the generosity of the Biscaro family: they have enriched our Congregation with three of their daughters: Sister Costanza (+02.07.2014), Sister Agnese (+19.05.2023) and today (13 September 2023) Sister Delfina.
Sister Delfina, even before entering the Congregation she placed her availability “in the hands of the Lord to be able to imitate him, serve him with generosity and persevere until her death” (in her words).
In fact, Sister Delfina, a person of prayer, docile, good and available, was consistent and faithful from the beginning of her religious life. She gave herself without measure to serve the little ones and the poor in nursery schools. She began in Dorno in 1953 and completed her mission in 2017 in Corbetta – Milan. Sister Delfina did not choose the mission but was willing to go wherever the Superiors needed.
She is full of God and always ready to serve him, suddenly the Lord visited her and made her an instrument of his mercy: she remained immobile and in profound silence on a bed of pain, transformed into an altar.
On August 15th of this year, celebrating his Jubilee of 70 years of Religious Life, like a lit lamp, he mysteriously lived that solemn moment of thanksgiving.
Thus, in the hands of God and in the loving hands of the Sister nurses and assistant staff, Sister Delfina began a new path in life. At 5:30 pm today, September 13, 2023, in the Infirmary of the Motherhouse, her Jesus changed the mystery of silence and the Cross into the joy of embracing Him.
“Sister Delfina, woman of prayer with your sisters in Heaven, pray for us.”
Our condolences and gratitude to relatives, grandchildren and friends for everything he was and did between us.
We praise the Lord for the gift of Sister Delfina’s life of faithfulness who carried her heavy cross with dignity until the end.
The funeral will be celebrated on Friday 15 September, at 09.45, in the Chapel of the Mother House and followed by burial in the Voghera Cemetery – Pavia.
In communion of prayer, united with all the sisters of the Province Giustina and Maria Schiapparoli, with family and friends, we entrust this Sister of ours to Jesus, her beloved.
“My soul magnifies the Lord”
(from the memory of his 25th anniversary of Religious Profession)
Sister Maria das Dores Paz – general secretary