Sister Isabel Amboni
Renewing our faith in the risen Christ, in whom we place our certainty and hope, we announce moved, with pain, but with gratitude, that on July 21, 2023, at 07:00 am, at Hospital São José – Criciúma – Santa Catarina (BRAZIL), the heavenly Spouse received in his arms
Province Mother of Divine Providence
at 92 years of age and 71 years of Religious Profession
Sister Isabel (Hilda), was born in Nova Veneza – Santa Catarina (Brazil) on September 16, 1930.
Hilda was the first among 13 siblings. She grew up in a family that was deeply religious and dedicated to the life of the Church. At just six years old, she made her First Communion, on the feast day of Christ the King. In her youth, having known the Benedictine Sisters in Nova Veneza, she chose to become a Religious.
She joined our Congregation in the Holy Year of 1950. She was received with joy by Sr. Bernardete Zanellato and Sr. Beniamina Carbone, local Superior and Mistress of Novices.
The following year, she entered the novitiate and received the name Sister Isabel. Mother Giovanna Zonca was Superior General. On January 27, 1952, she made her Religious Profession in the Chapel of the Sagrada Família Institute in Nova Veneza – Santa Catarina.
Her serene life and committed to the cause of Jesus also captivated one of her sisters for Religious Life, Sr. Natalina Ruth Amboni, who, lately, has been living in the same Community, at Casa São José and was able to follow her sister closely until the end.
Sister Isabel, a woman of deep prayer and silence, welcoming and prudent, knew how to live every moment of her life wisely. With her serenity, coherence and firmness she captivated people to the Lord. She loved the aspirants and encouraged them to continue in the ways of the Lord.
Her experience in the Communities of Mato Grosso, working with poor and needy people, was fruitful. Silent and dedicated, she always had a good word and a smile on her lips. She was a pioneer in Pontes e Lacerda with Sisters: Afonsina Romão, Maria de Lourdes Weber and Ivoni Dela Giustina, to open the mission and left its marks there. Later, the mission expanded to Jauru, Figueirópolis d’Oeste, Barra do Garças – Mato Grosso, Carolina – Maranhão, Ampére – Paraná and several other communities in Brazil. She dedicated herself with much love in pastoral activities. She had a special care for vocations. She said that the secret was to meet the young people and said: “Who doesn’t see me, doesn’t want me!”
Let us leave the word to those who lived in the same Community with Sr. Isabel:
“She taught us how to make small sacrifices and told us that Jesus knows everything and therefore it was enough to tell Him our concerns. I accompanied her tears as she left Carolina and when I asked her why she was crying, she told me that she liked there, she had been transferred and since she did not leave her house to do what she wanted, she had to obey with generosity.” (Sr. Ana Maria Gomes da Costa, when an aspirant in Carolina)
“Very good Sister. I lived with her. Rest in peace, Sr. Isabel.” (Sr. Sonia Mabel Medina)
A person of many talents, she was a local superior, secretary in hospitals, teacher in schools, assistant to the sick, co-sisters and elders, Counselor of the Delegation with Sr. Alfonsina Romão – first Delegate of the Superior General of Brazil.
She was also a great dressmaker and made habits and other things with care for those who asked her to.
In recent years, her health has deteriorated and since 2014 she has been part of the Community of Casa São José in Nova Veneza, being treated with love by the sisters and nurses.
On the morning of the 21st of July, at 7 am at Hospital São José in Criciúma – Santa Catarina, she gave her life into the arms of God to live forever with her Beloved Husband.
“Sr. Isabel, your smile and your silence will continue to shine in your Lord’s Paradise. We miss you already! Go, rest in the peace of your Lord, simple, firm and courageous friend!”
Our condolences and our gratitude to your family members for the inheritance of their testimony in favor of the Kingdom of God.
Our Congregation praises the Lord for the fruitful life of our Sr. Isabel, coherent and silent woman, precious Religious, faithful to the end.
Funerals will be celebrated on July 22, 2023, at 10:30 am in the chapel of the Sagrada Familia Institute, with a funeral Mass. Next, the grave in the Municipal Cemetery of Nova Veneza – Santa Catarina.
In communion of prayer, united with the sisters of the Province Mother of Divine Providence, especially Sr. Natalina Ruth, family and friends, let us entrust this sister of ours into the arms of Spouse Jesus.
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he consecrated me.” (Lk 4:18)
(From the image of 70 years of Religious Profession)
Sister Maria Das Dores Paz – Geral Secretary