Sister Afonsina Romão
Renewing our faith in the Risen Christ, in which we place our certainty and hope, we announce with emotion and gratitude that on June 03, 2023, at 10:30 am, at Casa São José – Nova Veneza – Santa Catarina (BRASIL), the heavenly Spouse received her in his arms
Province Mother of Divine Providence
with almost 95 years of age and 77 of Religious Profession
Sr. Afonsina (Amelia) was born in Rio Cedro Médio – Nova Veneza – Santa Catarina (Brazil), on June 30, 1928.
Amelia was the sixth child among eight siblings. She grew up in a deeply religious family, very active in the Church. One of God’s great gifts to the family was also the younger brother’s call to the priesthood. Fr. Francisco entered the Congregation of the Salesians, but at just 40 years of age, cancer took him away to eternity.
Amelia at the age of thirteen was invited to join the Congregation of the Pauline Sisters, however, Fr. Miguel Giacca interfered in the case and guided her to be a Benedictine of Divine Providence.
She joined the Congregation, in Nova Veneza – Santa Catarina, on December 11, 1943. She was received by the local Superior, Sr. Faustina Oldani. At the time she was Superior General Mother Giovanna Zonca. Entering the Novitiate on December 20, 1944, she received the name Sr. Afonsina. Her mistress was Sr. Aurelia Omarini.
She made her Religious Profession on December 22, 1945, in the Chapel of the Holy Family Institute in Nova Veneza – Santa Catarina.
Sr. Afonsina, from the beginning of her religious life, took everything she did very seriously. Generous, selfless and gifted, she developed her talents with humility, especially in music. She herself said:
“The Provident Father has a special affection for his chosen ones and in his infinite love he always has wonderful surprises for us to grow in his love.
How can you not remember the choir from Nova Veneza’s headquarters with the potent strength of Caravaggio’s singers?
How not to remember the choir of postulants and novices in the entry of noviciate and Religious Professions parties with songs up to 3 voices? The singing was beautiful because there were wonderful voices. I loved them all very much and felt that God was always present. I miss that time!” (Her words from her).
She loved the Congregation body and soul, she welcomed the aspirants with a mother’s love.
Sr. Afonsina, with her simplicity and humility, captivated hearts wherever she went.
She was a nurse, sacristan, teacher, pharmacist, local Superior, in short, a person open to any need, traveling from Santa Catarina, to Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Mato Grosso. The experience in Mato Grosso, working with the poorest and neediest people, was very rich. In Pontes e Lacerda she opened the mission with the sisters Isabel Amboni, Maria de Lourdes Weber and Ivoni Dela Giustina. She also acted in pastoral activities in Cáceres and Barra do Garças – Mato Grosso.
She was the first Brazilian sister to be appointed by the Superior General, Mother Giovanna Zonca, Vice-Mistress of Novices in Nova Veneza. She was also the first Brazilian Sister to assume the government of the Congregation in Brazil as Delegate of Mother General. As she said: too much responsibility for my size!
She always placed the difficulties she encountered in the Father’s hands, and there were many throughout her life. A person wholly devoted to the Lord, she cultivated union with God with fidelity to personal and community prayer. She was always happy, serene inside and fulfilled in her vocation. She was docile and attentive to Superiors.
In 2002 she became part of the Community of the Holy Family Institute, Nova Veneza. In recent years her health has been weakening, and in 2014 she became part of the Community of Casa São José for the proper care and treatment with affection from Sisters and nurses.
Today, in the evening prayer of the Holy Trinity, at 10:30 am, our Sr. Afonsina went out to shine in Heaven with the Risen Jesus.
Today we got a Santa! May her enthusiasm for life, the inheritance of a fulfilled and happy life, be for us comfort and hope.
Rest, dear Afonsina, go in the peace of the Lord! Your colleagues from the 1995 formation group and your girls, celebrating your 50th birthday, greeted you in this way (below is the poetry song composed on that occasion – Roma – Centro Studi).
To the family, our condolences and our gratitude for what our Sr. was and did. Afonsina. In the hour of silence and farewell, God be the consolation.
Let us praise the Lord for the gift of life of Sr. Afonsina, woman, Religious ‘transparency of God’ throughout her precious life. Thanks for the testimony of faithfulness until the end.
We already miss your smile and your prayerful presence!
Funerals will be celebrated this Sunday, June 4, 2023, in the Chapel of Casa São José with a funeral Mass, at 9:30 am. Her burial takes place after Mass at the Municipal Cemetery of Nova Veneza – Santa Catarina. In communion of prayers, united with all the Sisters of the Province, Mother of Divine Providence, family and friends, let us entrust this Sister of ours, in the arms of the Most Holy Trinity.
“I know who I believed!”
(From the memory of 50 years of Religious Profession)
Sister Maria das Dores Paz – General Secretary
Homage to Sister Afonsina for the 50th of Religious Life
E viva! E viva! Sister Afonsina, our valued teacher!
E viva! E viva! Sister Afonsina of Our Lord!
1. Cheerful, happy, let’s party
Let’ celebrate life and mission!
Smiles, joys, fights and tears
And with enthusiasm we will proclaim!
2. In Veneza, in the cradle of the Congregation,
You were a beacon in our formation.
You remember wistfully our adventures,
In the value of Constance, controversies arose.
3. Safe, festive voices echoed
On the solemn feasts of the great Saint Mark.
And your girls broke in too
In celebrations of the Sagrada Familia.
4. From the piano to the vegetable garden and the famous catita
How many adventures in the blessed country!
Full bags, oranges, watermelons,
Dos Gava and Damiani was almost every day.
5. Can’t forget the famous “Polaca”
And the grass and sawdust for the cows;
But, also in the Mother Church of the saint Amilcar Gabriel
You have always supported this faithful friend.
6. Your remarkable presence in all acts
Smile and also take over our theaters.
And, in our recesses, we played in a circle
And almost every night a fashion was invented.
7. After 50 years of so many good things,
You’re the one who deserves a crown for everything.
Your great example of holy humility
Reach for us a stepping stone in holiness.
(This homage took place in Rome at the end of the Ongoing Formation Course in 1995. It was a great surprise for the celebrated one of her Girls, as she called us.)