Sr. Clara Venturini
Renewing our faith in the risen Christ, in whom we place our certainty and hope, we announce with emotion and gratitude that on February 27, 2023, at 3 pm (local time), at the São José Hospital in Criciúma – Santa Catarina (BRAZIL), the Groom Celeste welcomed in his arms,
Province “Mother of Divine Providence”
With 89 years of age and 69 of religious profession.
Sr. Clara Venturini (Gema Rafaela), was born in Rio Maina, at the time belonging to Siderópolis – Santa Catarina (Brazil), on August 4, 1934.
She entered the Congregation, in Nova Veneza – Santa Catarina, in 1948. She was welcomed by the local Superior, Sr. Faustina Oldani, for whom she always had great admiration. At the time, Mother Giovanna Zonca was Superior General. She entered the novitiate in January 1953, she was taught by Sr. Beniamina Carbone. When she received the religious habit, Fr. Agenor had suggested that her name be Clara.
She made her religious profession on January 5, 1954, in the Chapel of the Sagrada Família Institute of Nova Veneza – Santa Catarina.
Gema Rafaela, as a teenager, met the Benedictine Sisters of Divine Providence through Sr. Eligia Nobile and Sr. Rita do Canto, at a feast of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, in her hometown of Siderópolis, whose parish priest was Fr. Agenor Neves Marques. The priest, aware of the young woman’s intention, gave her the best way to enter the convent of Nova Veneza – Santa Catarina.
Sr. Clara, from the beginning of her religious life, has always dedicated herself to prayer, silence and reflection. She was a strong and courageous woman. She knew how to walk steadily on the ground, but her eyes were on the future. You faced many difficulties and loved the Congregation, giving it the clarity of your story and your mission.
Sr. Clara was a sensitive person, open to dialogue and always interested in the spiritual growth of the sisters. In the conciliar and post-conciliar period you have helped the communities to overcome many difficult situations.
She developed plans and built homes for the elderly sisters and places for meetings and retreats.
She held various positions: Delegate of the Mother General in Brazil, Provincial Superior, and then Superior General; she always knew how to respond to the most urgent appeals of the Church: openings in the north-east of Brazil, and in various countries including: Romania, Albania, Mexico, Kenya and India.
She had a particular zeal for elderly and sick nuns, as well as a great love for poor girls. Her gaze was always aimed at those who had no home or family. She passionately dedicated herself to deepening the charism of Maria and Giustina Schiapparoli. Indeed, when she held the position of Mother General, she gave impetus to historical research and began the process of canonization of our Foundresses.
She gave priority to ongoing formation, organizing meetings for the Brazilian sisters and those of other nationalities in Italy, in the places of the foundation and in Rome; in this way she offered everyone the opportunity to drink at the source of the Charisma of Giustina and Maria Schiapparoli. Also, for this purpose you have opened the “Centro Studi” house in Rome. Very important and gratifying was the opportunity for the sisters to get to know the Eternal City, the Successor of Christ, the Pope and the city of Voghera, the cradle of our Congregation. We praise the Lord!
You also started the group of Oblates, offering lay people – especially our collaborators, but not only – the possibility of sharing the spirituality and charism of the Congregation with the sisters.
Sr. Clara has given us hope, joy and trust, she has strengthened her will, she has encouraged the life of holiness, with her words full of wisdom, but above all with her testimony. She was good, available, very austere with herself, poor in spirit.
On Monday afternoon, February 27, 2023, at 3 pm, precisely at the moment of the Passion of the Lord Jesus, the Divine Spouse brought this treasure of ours with him forever.
We already miss his friendly presence. Wally Cunico, his general councilor in the 1990s says:
“Sr. Clara was a walking library. Did you want to know something? It was enough to ask Sr. Clara!”
Her funeral will be celebrated on Tuesday 28 February, at 2 pm, in the chapel of the Sagrada Família Institute, in Nova Veneza – Santa Catarina, with a funeral mass and then burial in the Municipal Cemetery of the city.
In communion of prayer, united with all the Sisters of the Province, Mother of Divine Providence, Oblates, family and friends, we entrust this Sister of ours into the arms of Divine Providence.
“If I had more lives, I would consecrate them all to You, Father!”
(memory of the 25th year of Religious Profession)
Sr. Maria das Dores Paz – General secretary