Sister Adelia Serafina
Renewing our faith in the risen Christ, in whom we place our certainty and hope, we announce with pain, but with gratitude, that on December 28, 2022, at 11:00, at the Holy House of Vinhedo – St. Paul (Brazil), the heavenly Spouse has received in his arms,
Province of Divine Providence
At the age of 84 and 53 years of Religious Profession
Sister Adelia (Maria Aparecida) she was born in Elói Mendes – Minas Gerais (Brazil), on November 14, 1938.
Maria Aparecida was born in a simple family of great faith and work. It was there, in his family environment of practicing Christianity, that the vocation to religious life arose.
She entered the Congregation at Três Pontas – Minas Gerais on March 21, 1965 and was received by the then local superior, Sister Benigna De Paoli. She entered the novitiate in 1967 and took the name of Sister Adelia. Her novitiate mistress was Sister Eurosia Gritti. At the time she was Superior General Mother Emanuele Bonacina.
She made her religious profession on July 11, 1969 in the Chapel of the São Pio X Institute in Osasco – St. Paul (Brazil).
Sister Adelia was small in stature, but with a big, open and welcoming heart. She was the embodiment of humility and simplicity, given above all to the most needy and fragile.
From the very beginning of religious life, she has shown a great inner disposition. Writing to Mother General Carla Borasi on the occasion of her perpetual vows, she said: “I try every day to live in the presence of the Lord, to find the LIGHT to follow him”.
In fact, she gave her life always bearing witness to her great love for the Eucharist, the Word and a merciful gaze towards the suffering.
We give a chance to those who lived close to Sister Adelia:
1978, Foz do Iguaçu – Parana. Sister Adélia, one of the pioneers in the new mission, assumed the spiritual assistance of the sick and wounded in the construction of the Itaipu dam. She walked on the streets of Foz do Iguaçu – Paraná, silent and immersed in prayer with Jesus in the Eucharist, bringing comfort to the sick and desperate, including many young people, hospitalized in Itaipu hospital, at the time near the sister’s house. Her friendly and serene word, full of wisdom, gave everyone certainty and hope. They called her our little saint, comforting mother. The strength of prayer and faith in the God of life remained imprinted in those hearts. In fact, hers was a contagious, simple, fruitful, loving presence; she was a nun capable of making people smile “inside”. They were strong signs that signaled the presence of Divine Providence in events and in our pastoral action. Go, my friend and pray for us! (Sister Maria das Dores)
I am very sad because I admired many things about Sister Adelia: her elegance, her love and respect for the Word of God, her affection and interest in vocations, her availability when I asked her for photos of the work of the Vocational Animation… For two years I lived with her in Santa Cruz – Rio de Janeiro and she adorned the church with great passion, asking for flowers in the houses, because the parish did not have the money to buy them. (Irma Odir Teresinha L. Brito)
Sister Adelia, your testimony of life has been fundamental for many people. I had the grace to live with her and I know her love for the Holy Eucharist, for the prayer of the rosary, for the Word of God. How much patience in serving the poor and every person who asked her for a favor. All of this served for her eternal happiness. Intercede for us, Sister Adelia. Rest in peace in the arms of the Provident Father! (Irma Maximina Gabriel)
I lived together with Sister Adelia. She was the mother of humility. Always very welcoming and helpful. You have left a beautiful testimony and the scent of holiness for all of us! I’m sure she is in God’s loving embrace (Irmã Narcisa Maria Pasetto)
From 1970 to 2021 she carried out her own activity in various communities of the Congregation at the service of evangelization and charity.
Frail in health, lately she has also faced the profound silence of abandonment in the Father’s arms. She was taken to the Santa Casa de Vinhedo and on December 28, 2022, she gave her spirit, leaving the precariousness of this life for the certainty of God’s eternity.
We praise the Lord for our beloved sister. Adelia, your fidelity and your testimony are the most precious riches. You have been faithful to the end and your life has been the mirror of your prayer: “Lord, in the total donation of my life, I will be providence among the people”.
Dear Sister Adelia, we miss your smile, your friendly word and your silence. You pray for us who remain here in the daily struggle. Ask Jesus and Mary to be strong and firm in the faith.
The Holy Mass of her funeral was celebrated on December 29, 2022, at 07hs in the Chapel of the Divina Providência residential in Vinhedo-SP and then the burial in the Acacia Cemetery, Valinhos – São Paulo.
In fraternal communion of prayer, united with all the Sisters of the Province of Divine Providence, with family and friends, we give this Sister of ours to Jesus and Mary.
“Lord, in the total giving of my life, I will be providence among the people.”
(from the celebration of 25 years of religious life)
Sister Maria das Dores Paz – General Secretary