Maria de Amorim Pereira
Renewing our faith in the risen Christ, in whom we place our certainty and our hope, we announce with sorrow, but with gratitude, that on 06 October 2022, at 5.45 pm (local time), in the Saint Joseph Hospital in Criciúma (Santa Catarina / Brazil), the heavenly Bridegroom received her in His arms.
Province “Mother of Divine Providence”
at the age of 98 years and after 75 years of Religious Profession
Sister Maria (Quininha) she was born in Sombrio-SC on 11 July 1924. The young Quininha, at the age of 21, feeling called to religious life, entered the Congregation in Nova Veneza (Santa Catarina / Brazil) on February 16, 1945.
After a year of postulancy, she was admitted to the Novitiate and had Sr. Faustina Oldani as her mistress. At the time she was superior general Mother Giovanna Zonca. She made her religious profession on December 23, 1946, in the chapel of the Sagrada Familia College in Nova Veneza (Santa Catarina / Brazil).
Sister Quininha, from a young age, was active in the pastoral care of her parish community as a catechist and also as a member of the Daughters of Mary Association.
The beginning of her Religious Life was marked by the charism of welcoming, assisting and educating the most needy. She was resourceful and creative. She wasn’t afraid to face difficulties. In the style of Mother Giustina Schiapparoli, she moved the authorities around because of the weak. Her first experience as a Religious was working at the Collection House and Poor Children’s Shelter in Rio de Janeiro, where she also held the position of local Superior.
Moving to Santa Catarina, she took over the direction of the Children’s House Nossa Senhora de Fátima (now School Saint Benedictus) in Criciúma (Santa Catarina / Brazil), creating the Primary Course. Here she, together with the Saint Joseph Church Worker’s Circle, fought for the education and health of the poor of the city Criciúma at the Worker Circle pharmacy. She was one of the best known to people in the city. During the years of the dictatorship in Brazil she was even persecuted, but with her cheerful and playful style she tamed the Big and the Small.
Later, after returning to Rio de Janeiro from the mission among the children of lepers, she went to Sombrio. There she worked as a pedagogue and social worker President and Coordinator of the SIESS Institution (Sombrio Social Educational Integration Society). Her presence and her social action marked the city with the foundation of nursery school where children received food as well as education.
Sister Quininha left the field of action only in 2019, when she was transferred to Saint Joseph House in Nova Veneza (Santa Catarina / Brazil) for her health, which was beginning to decline.
The nun, a courageous and exuberant woman, never measured her efforts to achieve her goals. Wherever she went, she left the mark of joy and sweetness for being to others the smiling face of God’s goodness.
“Dear Sr. Quininha, go, we already miss your laughter and your happy presence. Go in peace with your 98 years spent serving the cause of Jesus Christ. Your 75 years of Religious Life, often facing great challenges, enriched the history of our Congregation. Help us smile in this farewell moment!”
Her funeral will be celebrated on 7 October 2022, at 3 pm (local time) in the Mortuary Chapel of the Cemetery of Nova Veneza (Santa Catarina / Brazil) and then there will be burial in the same cemetery.
In fraternal communion of prayer, united with all the Sisters of the “Mother of Divine Providence” Province, with family and friends and many children, let us give our Sister to Mary and her Beloved Spouse.
“I have chosen you and I have not left you” (Hos. 2, 1.9)
(from the memory of the 70th Religious Life)
Sister Maria das Dores Paz, General Secretary