Sister Beniamina
Renewing our faith in the Risen Christ, in which we place our certainty and hope, we announce moved, with pain, but also with gratitude, that today 21st of June 2022, at 9.00 am (local time), in the sick bay of Mother House – Voghera (Pavia) Italy, the heavenly Spouse received in his arms,
Province “Giustina and Maria Schiapparoli”
with 96 years of age and 70 years of Religious Profession
Sister Beniamina (Rosa Angela) born in Dorno (Pavia) Italy, on 22ndJuly in 1926. Sister Beniamina met the Benedictine Sisters in her hometown and was attracted by the witness of the Sisters in Mission in the kindergarten and in the Home for the Elderly. On 15th of October 1949, she entered the Congregation and was welcomed, By then, the Superior of the Mother House of Voghera was Sister Tranquilla Madama. Her Novice Mistress was Sister. Camilla Bassani. The Superior General was Mother Giovanna Zonca.
She pronounced her First Vows on 24th of August in 1951 in the Chapel of the Mother House of Voghera – Pavia.
Sister. Beniamina, small in name and in fact, dedicated her life to the service of children in several houses in the province of Italy. She was welcoming, helpful, cordial and faithful to prayer. She also offered a generous service in parishes, teaching catechism to children and adolescents in preparation for the sacraments of Christian initiation. She attended and animated the functions on weekends at the Chapel of Gerlina. She also served as a local Superior.
In the year 2013, She was transferred from Salice Terme to Mother house. Her presence was a silent and serene. She collaborated with the Community as much as possible. When weakened and in need of special controls, in the year 2017 with dedication she was being taken care of by the sisters and the assistants in the sick bay.
This morning, at 9.00 am, she serenely left this earth for the definitive celebration in the Father’s House. We are grateful to the Lord for the gift of Sister Beniamina for us and for all the people who knew her.
The funeral will be celebrated tomorrow, 22nd of June 2022, at 8:45 am, in the Chapel of the Mother House of Voghera (Pavia) – Italy. Then burial at Voghera Cemetery – PV. In fraternal communion of prayers, together with all the Sisters of the GMS Province, family members and friends, let us entrust Sister Beniamina to Jesus, her dear spouse.
(from the remembrance of the 70th of Religious Profession)
Sister Maria das Dores Paz / Secretary General