I will sing the Lord’s graces endlessly!”
August 15, 2021: The long-awaited day to thank the Lord, with solemnity and simplicity, for his wonders and for his daily gifts, has finally arrived.
The Jubilee Sisters are ready, the Chapel of the Motherhouse is prepared in every detail, the sisters and relatives, with all our children and teenagers, are waiting. The organ and the voices of the Sisters chant “Here I am!”.
Moved, everyone receives the Jubilee, which are accompanied to the Altar by 03 children with lit lamps. So the whole family is present. Crowning this first moment, the Reverend Mother enters, who takes to the Altar a tray with our Constitutions, the Celebrant, Monsignor Maurizio Ceriani, and the Deacon, Mr. Gianni Ottoboni.
After the Liturgy of the Word and the Celebrant’s Homily, which had different and personal resonances in those present, thanksgiving began for the gift of the Religious Life of our Jubilees and the Renewal of Vows for all the Sisters.
The songs that accompany the Eucharistic Liturgy are a living expression of the moment:
“Lord, my God, with a simple and joyful heart, I gave you everything…
Bless the Lord, my soul… Magnificat the Lord, my soul!”
At the end of Holy Mass, the joy of the children and teenagers of the Reception House exploded in moved gratitude and with the donation of a red rose and a lamp for each of the Jubilees. However, perhaps the most beautiful gift was that of the very attentive participation of our children and teenagers throughout the Mass.
Voghera, August 15, 2021
sr. Micaela Bertola