Renewing our faith in the Risen Christ, in which we place our certainty and hope, moved with pain but with gratitude we announce that on July 27, 2021, at 1:00 pm, in the Mother House (Voghera – Pavia – Italy), the heavenly Spouse received in His arms,
Province “Giustina and Maria Schiapparoli”
With 92 years of age and 69 years of religious profession.
Sister Letizia (Anna Maria) born in Pavia – Italy, in May 29, 1929. Anna Maria Molinari grew up as a students at Holy Family school in Voghera. After finishing her high school, attracted also by the testimony of her aunt Sr. Gemma Molinari, she decided to give herself entirely to the Lord. He applied to enter the Institute on August 15, 1950, on the Assumption day. She was received by Sister Tranquilla Madama. Her novitiate mistress was Sister Camilla Bassani. By then the Superior General was Mother Giovanna Zonca.
She was named Sister. Letizia. she took her first vows on August 2, 1952 in the Chapel of the Mother house in Voghera (Pavia – Italy).
Sister Letizia was “joy” in name and in fact. She was a primary teacher, she gave her life in the service of education. A determined, confident and cheerful person, she was rich in talents. She loved writing and composing. On all occasions of celebration, departure or arrival of the Superior General from the missions, the speech, the songs were always ready. Available, creative and immediate. At recreation, she made even the most shy to sing and laugh. In 1992, at the request of Mother Clara Venturini, Sister Teodora Sosio made a collection of her poems and songs. Every time we sing the hymn to St. Benedict, Providence or Our Lady of Providence, we will remember her and sing with her who is now in heaven with her Madonna:
“Mother, Provide with your big heart, to us your children,
who now implore you; makes us all joyfully to come with you to the Lord.
Holy Mary. Holy Mary”
(Lyrics by Sister Letizia Molinari and music by Father Gino Ceroni).
Sister Letizia lived her life between Voghera and Pavia at the service of young people, always with a big heart and full of enthusiasm. The years passed and in recent times, already weakened, in the sickbay of mother house, she continued with her happy and delicacy spirit, thanking the Sisters who served her with dignity and kindness.
Today, July 27, 2021, at 1:00 pm, serene and peaceful she rested in the Lord with whom she will live forever. We can put on her lips the certainty of her walk: “I will take you with me so that wherever I am, you will also be. And wherever I go, you know the way” (Jn 14, 3).
We are very grateful to the Lord for the gift that Sister Letizia was for us and for so many people who knew her.
The funeral will be celebrated on Thursday, July 29, 2021, at 8:45 am in the Chapel of Casa Madre and then the body will be buried in the Cemetery of Voghera (Pavia – Italy).
In fraternal communion of prayer, united with all the Sisters of the Province Giustina and Maria Schiapparoli, family and friends, we give Sister Letizia to her dear Madonna Assunta singing with her what she wrote on August 15, 1992:
“But let’s not forget… That this day is a feast for all of us; let’s not count the years,
let us remember only the joys and not the worries because
in Heaven there is someone who supports us: oh sweet Madonna Assunta, sweet Madonna Assume you love us.
We’ll still do many things If we hold hands”
Yes, Sister Letizia, continue to hold hands so that together we can be a providence for the young. Go and may peace be with you and with all those you loved: you will be missed a lot!
“We are more than swallows we are more than lilies. We expect everything from You.”
(Sister Letizia – from the song of Providence)
Sister Maria das Dores Paz / General secretary